Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Sinopsis flim "Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan" Dalam bahasa Inggris

(True story of Gitta Sessa Wanda Cantika)

Hi Guys, my name is Keke. I was 13 when I was convicted of having a malignant cancer called Rabdomiosarkoma, it's hard for me to understand what the disease attacks the face was even re-name to refer to the disease, I was trouble. The doctor said I had cancer tissue is very soft step and become the first person in Indonesia who have the disease.
I was sad when my father cried refused requests a doctor to perform surgery on my face. The doctor says : “if I do not do surgery, then my life will not last more than 3 months. I was very surprised, because the disease has no signs of anything but I suffered eye pain followed by bleeding that occurred during the week. Cancer is just about the size of my fingernails and lodged in the temple of my eye, but the operation requires that I lost most of the left face and eyes.
My father would not willingly I lost part of my face because I was a girl who would grow up someday anyway. I never understood how scary disease that I feel myself a part of my face began to swell as tennis balls and blind. When I felt the pain cry, my father never wanted to honestly say the disease. Until finally I was struggling to live for 3 months seek traditional treatment and one cleric tells me I esophageal cancer.
I felt when it was destroyed, I know my life will not be long before the blind and lost my left nostril breathing. I cried and protested to God, why does he have the heart to snatch a teenager and a chance to become a singer and model. Tears are falling every day, never am I missing when it comes cancer pain. However I was lucky, my friends, my family and my love always there beside me to give endless support.
When I started to let go of God pick me up, I just pray to God hoping that he gives me more time in the world to say during the split with a friend, lover, and especially to make my father happy longer. During that time I was not able to stand up and suffered critical. God heard my prayer, that's when I get a miracle, a doctor saved me from the disease at times of my life. I recovered and my face cancer miraculously disappeared.
I feel good about me and the god of death verdict against the doctor said to me, I made a promise to him from that moment to be grateful for the life he gave me.
After the disease was missing in my life, I spend my days happily with my family and my friends, I spent my time studying scriptures and brought me to God. Life-my life has gone by with happy but in the end no matter what I was expecting to happen again in my life when the cancer came back to me, now he attacked my right face.
While I get the verdict came back, I was no longer afraid and I'm no longer mad at God. I am grateful to him, he gives me a chance for longer in this world to be with friends, family and my boyfriend. Though tears were falling beside me, I tried to toughen up and say to all the people, if the exam in my life is a sign of God's love to me.
The doctor who saved my life the first time up, he could no longer save. I just smiled and vowed to survive until I can spend my last exam in the world to pass in junior high school. Although I'm blind and lame, I promised God and my friends for high school graduation and wear uniforms.
Friend, life is a wonderful gift. The goodness of God, I was able to take the exam schools with a more severe condition. I am grateful to be able to pass well and to finally be able to wear a uniform gray skirt with my friends even when only the day before I had to be rushed to the hospital because the blood kept flowing in my nose . Death is getting closer and I could feel it when the breath of mine weight.
But I do not want to leave this world without writing a letter to God .. the letter that has made the life of a girl struggling for life and thousands of other children who have cancer the same way.

I hope when I am no longer in this world, my story be an inspiration to anyone in this world to be grateful for life. Since God so loved us with his trials.

Guys.. when there is laughter in this world, then there will be weeping beside him.

Small Letter To God

God ...
I wish I could go back
I do not want no crying in this world
God ...
I wish I could go back
I hope there is no longer the same thing happened to me,
happens to other people.
God ...
Can I write a little letter to You
God ...
Can I ask one small thing for You
God ...
Let I can see with my eyes
To look at the sky and the moon every day ..
God ...
Allow hair to grow back, so I can be a woman completely.
God ...
Could I smile any longer
So I can give you happiness
his father and his best friend
God ...
Give me the strength to be mature
So I can give meaning to life
to anyone who knows me ..
God ..
My little letter this
is the last letter of my life
I wish I could go back ...
To the world that you gave me ..

In memorial,
Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika.
19/06/1991 s / d 25/12/2006


Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

Kegagalan Bukan akhir dari segalanya

Hallo Dunia

. Intro dulu boleh dong di bulan baru ini ! :)
saya Nur Affita Hanim , Biasa di panggil Hanim , Kota Gresik *PastiTauKanYa ? :D

ini nih , ada sebait kata buat kita agar gak pernah putus asa dan terus raih cita-cita kita !

Kegagalan bukanlah akir dari segalanya

haruskah kita menyesali kegagalan yang pernah kita lakukan ?
berhenti berjalan karna sebuah kegagalan ?
untuk apa kita masih berdiam diri ,, sedangkan waktu akan terus berjalan ?
mulailah merangkak dan berjalan , walau perlahan tapi pasti karna orang yang mau bangkit adalah orang kesatria yang mau melakukannya 
kegagalan bukan jalan buntu , dan juga bukan jalan sempit , itu adalah jalan menuju masa depan kita
pilihlah sekarang , bangkit dari kegagalan dan berjalan menuju kesuksesan atau menyesali diri terus menerus dan menuju arah kegagalan
tersenyumlah dan berkata "Aku Bangkit dan Aku Bisa " , songsong masa depan yang lebih cerah dan lebih baik
optimislah dalam berusaha karna orang yang optimis mudah melewati jalan sempit dan sulit
perbaiki diri kita dan cari kelebihan kita
jangan berdiam diri karna kekurangan yang ada
berdalah kepada tuhanmu agar kita menjadi orang yang tegar ,
IngatLah tuan yang maha Kuasa , dimanapun kita berada karna itu yang membuat hati kita lebih tentram
raihlah kesuksesan kamu di Dunia Dan Akhirat

"Yakinlah Rencana Tuhan lebih Indah Dari yang Kita Rencanakan"

 sekian dulu yaa , besok atau kapan* ngepost lagii . *Bye